An Approach to the Comic Book of Chanoc. Entertainment and Teaching

  • Marina Ruano Gutiérrez Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Irma Angélica Bañuelos Ávila Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Roberto Herrera Gallardo Universidad de Guadalajara


The purpose of this work is to analyze the comic Chanoc, specifically the construction of the main character, the figure of the hero, the narrative, the popular language, the appearance of scientific words, the figure of Tsekub Bayolán, Chanoc's partner and godfather, the entertainment and the didactic function of the comic. It is proposed to identify the outstanding elements of the comic and establish the relationship of these elements with the reading public. This through three methods of analysis: narratology, stylistics and exegesis. As part of the results, it stands out that the Chanoc comic, through representative characters, instructs young people through social criticism, creates awareness and gives lessons on the behavior of animals and the care of nature


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How to Cite
Ruano Gutiérrez, M., Bañuelos Ávila, I. A., & Herrera Gallardo, R. (2021). An Approach to the Comic Book of Chanoc. Entertainment and Teaching. RICSH Iberoamerican Journal of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 10(20), 1 - 24.
Research Articles